Photographer: Robert Vollmer


donations help dystopia rising pnw to keep maintaining and improving our events to provide our community with more immersive and entertaining experiences.

Photographer: Robert Vollmer

How to Donate

There’s more than one way to Donate to Dystopia Rising PNW! Whether its your time between or during events, crafting props, or directly through our Throne Wish List! All donations made through our Throne receive a minimum 2 Community Action Points, (CAPs) per dollar spent, rounded up! At times we will be in a higher need for certain items, so more CAPs will be awarded for those items when they arise.

When purchasing an item from our Wish List, please include your name and player number in the gift message, so we can easily award you your CAPs! If you forget, you can also simply email a copy of your receipt to our Logistics Director at

Settings Fund

On our Wish List you will also see an option to donate to our “Settings Fund”. This is a fund we have started to allow our Settings Guide Team get more niche items, fund repairs on weapons and other props, as well as fund last minute costs that may come up for our Story Department.

As our other Departments do not require the same amount of of monetary upkeep and additional support, this fund is strictly for our Settings Team to fund costuming, makeup, props, and repairs, to be used by our Story Department during Dystopia Rising PNW Events. Any donations made to this fund will exclusively be used for these types of purchases and costs.

Photographer: Robert Vollmer